Classroom Pets

Our classroom is home to several animals that the students have the opportunity to observe, learn to take care of, and enjoy.


Meet the newest memberof our classroom pet family, Durango the Bearded Dragon!

Our class was the recipient of a pets in the classroom grant at the beginning of the 2021-22 school year to provide this bearded dragon- we have been so excited he joined us and it has been amazing to watch him grow over the first year he's been with us!


Meet Kaspar

Kaspar is a female elephant ear Beta fish. She joined our classroom in August 2021. Unfortunately Kaspar was unable to return to our classroom after the 2021-22 school year.


Meet Squirtle

Squirtle is a red eared slider (semi-aquatic turtle). She was adopted by Mr. Montz's 5th grade class about 5 years before joining our classroom during the summer of 2021.


Meet our Frogs

In August 2021 we had the priviledge of collecting native Arizona frog tadpoles and watching them transitiong into frogs. We continued to observe several in the classroom during the 2021-22 school year.


Trout in the classroom

Our classroom is part of the Trout in the Classroom program. We will hopefully be recieiving our trout eggs earlier this year and our 8th grade students will be learning the responsibilities of hatchery managment as they test the water and help care of and raise these fish.

